Strong Foundations for Success
You are more than your title. Regardless of the context, you CANNOT allow statements to break down your efforts in being successful. One way to build this overarching mindset is to practice gratitude and that is essential more that just Thanksgiving week but as a way of life.
Your past does not define you. Your personal and professional development is important, but so is a day of rest. Your goals should be about being better, only according to your own standards and God’s standards. YOU ARE ENOUGH.
What I have realized is that as much as people want to achieve greater things in their life, they don’t see the value in their self, mostly because others don’t see it presently.
1. Honor your boundaries and values
Boundaries protect us from people that our spirit cannot easily afford. What you put up with, drains your energy and slows your development. When you orient your life and your goals around your values, fulfillment naturally occurs. As were a fulfilled we open the down for better health and more wealth too.
2. Raise your standards
The higher your standards, the fewer problems you will experience in life. In August 2020, I attended a virtual retreat where a guest speaker coached up to realize that we can push the bar higher over time, but that we must continually grow in every area of life.
3. Clarify your expectations self and others
When you define success for yourself, life becomes very, very simple. Everyone in your life deserves to know what you expect/require of them.
4. Finish your unfinished business
The fewer unresolved items in your life, the more confident you will feel. To do lists are not just fun to write, we need to also take actions in completing the essentials with intention and efficiency.
5. Get your personal needs met
Self care, soul care. Personal finances. Until your personal needs are met, it’s difficult to live powerfully and sustainably. Having more than enough calms the mind and affords more experimentation in life.
I can write on a million topics and truthfully know that I am not the first to say it, nor the last to share it. However, we all have a circle of influence and a greater purpose to achieve. I am happy (and willing) to repeat it knowing it could be the timely reminder for a reader.
Build a solid foundation from the outset and consistently check-in on your progress. It’s a marvelous template for determining when things are out of alignment, addressing areas that need a tune-up and assessing YOUR needs.